Whether you are looking to buy a new company car or van for your business, or simply wishing to treat yourself to a new car personally, Hensley Stephens offer a wide variety of facilities to help with your purchase.
Hire Purchase - fully payoff the car as there is no balloon at the end of term. The debt is secured on the vehicle and the funder pays the supplier for the car direct. At the end of term, after paying the “Option to Purchase Fee” the car is yours.
Personal Contract Purchase - partially payoff the car as there is a balloon/Guaranteed Future Value (GFV) at the end of term. The debt is secured on the vehicle and the funder pays the supplier for the car direct. At the end of term, you can either hand the car back and walk away (subject to mileage/return conditions), or pay the balloon/GFV, either by cash/re-financing the balloon and/or selling the car and paying off the debt.
Hire Purchase with Balloon / Lease Purchase with Balloon - partially payoff the car as there is a balloon at the end of term. The debt is secured on the vehicle and the funder pays for the car direct. At the end of term, you must pay the funder the balloon, either by cash/re-financing the balloon and/or selling the car and paying off the debt.
Feel free to contact us if you would like a quotation, or have a query about the facilities we offer.